PIP in Florida: What You Need to Know

pip insurance

As a no-fault state, Florida has opted to help ease judicial and administrative backlog by streamlining the claims process for minor auto accidents. While Florida’s current approach does serve to reduce some backlog, the no-fault system is not perfect. The attorneys at Mandelbaum, Fitzsimmons, Hewitt & Cain can help accident victims navigate Florida’s complex civil court system and navigate discussions with the insurance company.

Who Needs PIP Insurance?

Florida requires all drivers to carry PIP insurance. Under the state’s current no-fault system, injured drivers may automatically receive coverage for up to $10,000 in medical expenses if they are involved in an auto collision. The coverage is made available without regard to whether the driver was at fault in the accident. Drivers may also use their PIP insurance to cover injuries sustained if they are injured in an auto collision as a pedestrian or if riding on a bicycle. A Tampa personal injury lawyer can help accident victims determine whether their medical needs are likely to be covered by PIP insurance.

What PIP Does Not Cover

Personal Injury Protection coverage comes with limitation; therefore, it is best to contact a New Tampa personal injury attorney prior to accepting an offer from the insurance company. Under a Florida PIP policy, the insured may receive compensation for a maximum of 80 percent of his or her medical bills and 60 percent of lost wages in the event of an accident. Therefore, many accident victims have exhausted the limits of their PIP coverage before they are able to leave the hospital. A Tampa personal injury lawyer can help accident victims potentially avoid the dilemma of settling for less when they may be entitled to receive more.

When in doubt, contact Mandelbaum, Fitzsimmons, Hewitt & Cain to speak with a New Tampa personal injury attorney. We will defend your rights against your insurance company and fight for the compensation you deserve.